Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Three Stooges Take Hawaii!

                  APRIL 21/22

   As many of you read this we are making
our final preparations to return home from
our two week visit to Hawaii.
   What with packing, three different flights
to catch (wish us luck with that one) and a
time zone switch that should teach us what
jet lag is all about, this Blog may have to
serve you until I wake up (where ever)
    Ironically April 22nd will mark my 4th
year of providing this daily nonsense to
you. Thank you for taking the time to read,
"like," and comment on my ramblings!
    I suspect I'll have still more thoughts on
Hawaii to share with you. But while it's on
my mind, allow me to present.....................
    I was one of two siblings. My brother
was eight years older and that makes me
the closest thing to an only child.
    My wife is one of eight kids in her family.
    Our Hawaiian trip reunited her with a
sister from Florida who shared the vacation
with us and her youngest brother who has
made his home in Hawaii.
     It has been fascinating to watch these
three together. I have learned much. Mostly
I have learned to step back, generally keep
quiet, and enjoy the show!
     I have occasionally been trapped, however,
as the sisters sit just feet away from me on
the beach or at the table trying to figure out
their crossword puzzle answers. You get
asked whether you're in the game or not!
    Throughout our two week stay I've
watched as the trio each volunteered to
cook a meal. My brother-in-law ended up
doing most of the cooking and there are
two reasons for that. First, he is a good
cook and knows where everything is. Secondly,
as his sisters debated whose turn it might be,
he'd dash to the stove lest the meal be delayed.
     Whoever did end up wearing the apron
you could be sure the other two would be
close at hand to correct or enhance the
     As I write the three are all offering their
version of an old saying. I'm not sure any
of them have it right!
     And just think, there are only three of
the eight here!
     At least they've enjoyed each other's
company, talking over all times and
adventures, and reminding each other
what it was like to live under one roof.
     Hope I eventually determine which one
is Moe, Larry, and Curly and that all your
NEWS is good.

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