Monday, July 20, 2015

Little Stinkers!



    I think I've mentioned this
before. But, except for the three
fish who call my wife's aquarium
home, we don't have any pets.
    Generally the neighbors
provide them for us.
     A few have dogs, But most of
the time you never even know
they're there.
     Then there are the cats! I
stopped counting a long time ago.
Although we have spotted the
newest litter of four that, like the
rest of them, have decided to use
our back and front yard as their
restroom as they travel around
the development.
     They are feral cats that only
hang around because someone,
who doesn't claim ownership,
throws some food out every
      And now it appears the
food is attracting still more
critters to the neighborhood. The
latest is a group of baby skunks
we've seen over the past couple
weeks. Of course we knew they
were there well before we saw
them! I'm guessing the cats and
the polecats came across each
other and the new guys left their
usual calling card!
      I'm sure both breeds would
be happy to have a good home.
So, if you're looking for pets we
have an excess around here!
      (You can have one neighbor
      Hope they'll find their way
anywhere else....and that all your
NEWS is good!

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