I went along as my grandson started
his lessons last evening. No. He hasn't
gone back to school already. But he
did do some studying.
He's interested in archery. So his mom
and I took him to an archery store and
range in Throop where he could learn
the basics of safety and shooting.
He had actually taken some instruction
from me a while back. Don't laugh! I
was an archery instructor at the YMCA
in Hazleton many moons ago and a
former State Champion had been my
Of course times have changed and my
style of archery is now a sort of ancient
history. There's a new math these days,
And there's a new archery too.
Back in the day I bent my bow to
attach the string, pulled back with all
my might and held that tightened
string until I was ready to let my
arrow fly. I looked at the target and
tried to anticipate the flight of my
Now archers use compound bows.
One you pull back on the string the
bow holds the weight and you look
through a sight similar to that on a
rifle to help you home in on the target.
There's even a "trigger" on the bows
to let the arrow go.
Robin Hood and his Merry Men
would have taken just a day to knock
off the Sheriff of Nottingham with this
kind of equipment! William Tell
could have split a seed in the apple on
his son's head!
And Cupid? Well he'd never miss!
My grandson did well. He learned
a few things, made some good shots,
and had some fun!
Maybe I'll pull out my old bow and
take some practice shots myself. I'm
pretty sure I can still hit the target. I'm
just not sure I can see it any more!
Hope you get the point and that all
your NEWS is good!
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