Technology is really amazing. But it's at
least 20 steps ahead of me.
I know how to use my laptop to write my
Blog, check my email, and even edit some
video. But that's about it.
My grand kids have devices like IPods,
the Wii, and a Cell phone that does all
the things I used to see on Star Trek except
to "Beam them up." They even have a
Nook which, until recently, I thought was
an obscure corner where some people have
Now, however, I'm catching up. One
step at a time!
My son-in-law got me a pedometer for
I try to walk two miles 6 days a week.
I know the exact distance in two or three
locations because I've measured it by
driving the route.
But I often vary from those routes and
sometimes walk where you can't drive to
double check the distance.
Today I removed the pedometer from
my pile of Christmas gifts. (A couple are
still setting in the corner waiting to be put
to use). I opened the package and got out
the instructions which I'll probably read
in their entirety one of these days. At the
moment all I really needed was the "On/
Off switch."
I took it with me on one of my pre-
measured routes and guess what? This
little device knew exactly how far I
I still don't understand how it knew.
It's hooked onto my belt........ on my HIP!
I mean, it's not strapped to my leg or my
foot, so how did it know my belt, and I,
walked exactly two miles?
Since I forgot to turn it off a check later
in the afternoon reveled I had walked more
than another mile since my stroll! It was
still keeping track. It was even smarter than
I thought! It knew I had walked 7,002 steps!
Next time I'll try to count those too to
verify the findings.
So more over kids. Grandpa is coming
into the technology age. But.....I'm walking
there so it may still take some time!
Hope you're keeping step and that all
your NEWS is good!
Good to see that you keep healthy by walking and that you are slowly moving into the technology age.Enjoyed your post. Sandi