Friday, February 1, 2013

The Bigger They Are....The Harder They Fall!

   Pilots will tell you any landing you can walk
away from is a good landing! So, I guess my
landing was good.
   Of course...I wasn't flying a plane. I was just
out for my morning walk.
   Now I've walked in virtually every kind of
weather. And once, in West Pittston, I found
a patch of ice that was waiting to get me! I
went down fast! I wasn't injured. But, as luck
would have it, a Borough Police Cruiser just
happen to be driving up the street and the
officer stopped to make sure I was OK.
   But that was ice. Any idiot can slip on
ice. I mean...look at the number of people
who purposely strap two pieces of steel on their
feet and go out on the stuff to slid around or
beat up somebody with a Hockey Stick!
   My walk, admittedly on a new route, was
along a perfectly dry and clear sidewalk in
Forty Fort.
   With my walking stick in one hand and
brand new boots on my feet I managed to find
one section of pavement that was just a tad
higher than the one I was leaving.
   The result might have initially looked like
a fancy dance step for anyone watching. In
reality it was an uncontrolled and unplanned
dive towards the ground. It's amazing how
quick the earth "came up!" I didn't even have
time to yell "Geronimo!"
   As with my West Pittson skydive I was
unhurt. That said, I managed to baptise my new
blue jeans with a coating of mud!
   Fortunately, I was wearing a black scarf
to shield my lungs from the cold air. It proved
to be an equally effective identity shield to
avoid embarrassment! Unless, of course, you were
passing by and also read my Blog!
   Now I'm wondering if I ought to go back to
the scene of the replace the divot!?
   Hope you're good on your feet and that
all your NEWS is good!

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