I ran into Batman yesterday!
I thought I was too late!
It seemed one of his many arch enemies, probably
"Mr Freeze", got to him first and left the Caped
Crusader frozen solid!
But first appearances can be deceiving!
After seeing a number of other Super Heroes and a
few well know villains similarly encased it occurred
to me that something else was afoot! And, indeed, it
You see I had stumbled upon the Annual Clarks
Summit Ice Festival!
Nine years ago this small community came up with
what I consider to be a brilliant idea. It decided to give
people something to do and to look forward to in
With no offense to Groundhog or Valentine's Day,
February's only claim to fame is the fact it's usually
only 28 days long. And, given the usual weather, they
are a long 28 days!
The business in Clarks Summit sponsor a 4-day
Ice Festival highlighted by ice carvings and entertainment
scattered throughout the town. February and ice seem to
go together like hats and gloves.
I needed both as I walked around taking in all the art
work. And make no mistake, these carvings are "art."
I can't even trace a good "Spiderman." But a couple of
these artists carved him out of huge blocks of ice!
This year's theme, as you may have already noticed,
was "Super heroes." But the theme is changed every
year to give the carvers a fresh challenge and the
public something new to see.
As a former "Mild mannered reporter for a great
metropolitan television station" I especially appreciated
the tribute to Super heroes!
Well, I've got to fly now. Hope I can find a telephone
booth and that all your NEWS is good!

Did you get to meet Neal Adams?