My name was in the paper yesterday.
It was on the obituary page!
Before you jump to any conclusions,
I didn't die. But you probably realized
that as you're reading my Blog!
My name was included in an
obituary for an old friend. But that part
of the story gets a little confusing too.
That's because of my friend's name.
It's Harry West.
Many of you probably recognize
the name Harry West as the popular
D.J from the heyday of "The Mighty
that Harry West!
My late friend liked to refer to
himself as "the real Harry West."
The Harry West of WARM fame had
his name changed to "West."
Since my friend got his name at
birth, 92 years ago, I think his claim
to being the real Harry West seems
My friend traveled with my wife and
me on a couple of tours we hosted for
WYOU TV. Someone decided to include
that information in his obituary although
they dug a little too deep in their memory
and listed the station as WDAU.
Harry was a great traveling
companion. He always had stories
about the many trails he traveled and
a smile to share with everyone on the
trip. He was a good friend.
In that sense the two "Harry Wests"
were a lot alike. Harry from WARM had
a million stories and brought a lot of
smiles to people too. Thankfully he's still
with us! He's a good friend too!
I think of both these guys a lot and the
thoughts always bring a smile to my face!
The late Harry West is probably smiling
too...knowing my name is in his obituary!
Hope you've got some good friends
too. If so, all of your NEWS is bound to
be good!

Harry West
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