As reported in yesterday's Blog our family and
friends had a great Super Bowl Party!
We had plenty of good food and great deserts!
Most of our gang are not drinkers so, except
for a couple of beers, the beverages of choice
were pretty much soda and water.
That probably doesn't sound the the typical
fair at a Super Bowl Party. Or is it?
My morning walk yesterday happen to
coincide with the trash pick up schedule in one
area community giving me a close up look at
some of what was left behind "after the ball"
(ball game that is!).
I spotted only one empty container of hard
liquor. Although I will admit it was a large box!
Another container held an empty Yuengling
box. Glad they supported an area brewery and
But the rest of the trash cans over the next
few blocks surprised me a bit and made me think
there must have been some "interesting" and
"different" parties in the neighborhood!
One seemed to be filled to the brim with juice
containers of all kinds. I recognized the orange
juice right away. A few of the others were not
so easily identified as to brand and specific juice.
Maybe it was some sort of Super Bowl Health
Another was overfilled with cereal boxes! The
folks that ran the "Got Milk" ad during the game
must be very happy with this family!
A Microwave and Coffee Maker box outside
one place has me thinking those folks had a day
long party and probably ate well.
The one that really has me wondering though
is the trash container topped with what seems to
be a large empty container of Bazooka Bubble
Gum! Now that must have been some party!
Hope you're still enjoying your left overs,
watching what you put out with the trash, and
that all your NEWS is good!

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