It would seem that Mr. McFeeley, that
dependable "Speedy Delivery" Mailman from
Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, will finally be
getting weekends off!
The Post Office is raising a Red Flag. And
it's not one of those attached to a rural mail
Unless Congress steps in the U.S. Postal
Service plans to add Saturday to the tune
"Never On Sunday" beginning in August.
I'm going to miss Saturday deliveries....I
think. We pretty much get the same amount
of mail whatever the day.
I received 29 pieces of mail yesterday.
The Postal Service delivered 3 of them. Yahoo
brought the other 26!
Both services brought a lot of ads. Yahoo
also delivered several personal notes. And...
no bills!
On the other hand the Postal Service brought
a neat little tool sent as a "good customer reward"
from a big retail outlet. They couldn't deliver
that by computer!
If Saturday deliveries do go the way of the
Pony Express we'll all have to be extra careful
when we mail our Birthday cards or Valentines
lest they arrive a day or two late! And if the
price of stamps keeps climbing we'd be better
off putting some of them in the card instead
of a dollar or two!
I'm also wondering how understanding the
creditors will be when your payment shows up
a day late because your deadline happens to
fall on a date that falls on a Saturday?
Boy, we've come a long way from the days
when I was a kid and the Postman not only
"rang twice." He also made 2 mail deliveries
to our house every day!
These days we get one delivery a day and
our "Postman" is a woman!
Occasionally a neighbor brings the mail.
That happens every time our "Postwoman"
puts correspondence addressed to us in the
wrong mailbox. I suppose a neighbor might
still bring it over on a Saturday.
I still enjoy getting an actual letter from a
friend or relative although very few send them
these days. It's like reading a book compared
to a "Nook."
Guess we'll just have to get used to one
less delivery each week.
And the Postal Service will have to
amend its unofficial motto to read....".Neither
snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays
these couriers from the swift completion of their
appointed rounds. Saturdays, however, are
another story."
Of course I can't remember ever receiving
any mail at night!
Anyway, enjoy your Saturdays off Mr.
McFeeley, and the rest of you Postmen, and
Postwomen! I suppose there will be a few
dogs that will be getting some extra rest too!
As for the rest of us, hope your "check in
the mail" shows up on Friday and that all your
NEWS is good!

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