Friday, February 15, 2013

Left holding the Bag!

  They say timing is everything.
  I agree.
  That's why I kept looking at the clock
with one eye yesterday and watching our
Municipal garbage bag with the other!
   For as long as I can remember our
dependable waste pickup crew, aka
Garbage men, have circled through our
development late on Thursday mornings
as though they were scouting the waiting
trash to make sure they'd have room.
    On their second pass one of the guys
who hangs off the back of the truck would
jump off and toss our bag into the huge
compactor where it would begin its
journey to the landfill.
     I liked the schedule. It allowed me to
gather up our household wastes in the
evening and keep them, bagged, on our
porch and away from cats and other
varmints throughout the night.
     But, yesterday, something smelled!
     Yesterday waiting for my weekly
pickup was like waiting for the "check in the
     My next door neighbor was in the same
boat. Both of us scanned the street, our eyes
looking for the compactor, our ears
listening for it's unmistakable loud engine,
and our noses.....well......after is a
Garbage Truck!
     Morning came and went. Noon, and
nothing. Our bags were still sitting there
at 5 o'clock and since my neighbor and I
don't know any municipal workers who clock
out after 4 we pretty much decided nobody
was coming.
     We were right.
     Turns out somebody changed the schedule
and the crew came by before we took the trash
out! Like they say...timing is everything. And
somebody's, either ours or theirs, was bad!
     Thanks to a very helpful Township official
the pick up crew will make a special pass again
this morning. I wonder if  the wildlife will
lay off the leftovers till they get here!
      Hope you've got your own disposal unit
and that all your NEWS is good!


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