Chances are a lot of you had Monday off this
week. Most people figured they got to sleep
late because it was "President's Day." But most
people were wrong!
There is no national holiday called "President's
Day." It’s a myth, like the story about George
Washington chopping down a cherry tree.
The holiday we celebrated on Monday was,
officially, "Washington's Birthday."
Of course it wasn't Washington's actual
Birthday. That's today.
Back in 1968 Congress adopted the "Uniform
Monday Holiday Act." The law moved four
holidays, Memorial Day, Veteran's Day,
Columbus Day, and Washington's Birthday
from fixed dates to designated Mondays to
increase the number of three day weekends
for Federal workers.
Eventually Veteran's Day was moved back
to its traditional date of November 11th.
This whole "President's Day" thing is the
work of the Madison Avenue crew. They
figured you can promote a lot more sales
if you can tie merchandise to all the dates
between Washington and Lincoln's
I think the "Father of our Country" deserves
his own day! I always liked Washington best!
I had a cherry tree in my backyard when I
grew up. I didn't chop mine down either.
Although I'm not sure I would have admitted
it had I done so.
I had started a collection of dollar bills
because they bear George's portrait. Unfortunately
I never been able to keep any more than about
ten of them at any one time.
Don't get me wrong. Lincoln is OK too.
When I was in school, or at work, I would have
been very happy to take Lincoln and Washington's
Birthday off!
In fact I would have gladly celebrated every
President's Birthday including Jefferson Davis!
But let's give old George the special
attention he deserves. Heck, take today off too!
Hope your teeth aren't wooden and that all
your NEWS is good!

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