Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Please DON'T Pass The Salt!

   They rolled out the old "Wintery Mix" weather
forecast yesterday with a call for snow and rain and
a little bit of sleet thrown in for good measure. It's
one of those storms where you've got to be
concerned about slick roads!
    When I started driving, sometime after the
introduction of the Mustang and before the demise
of the Packard, Road crews used to take on snow
storms with plows, ashes, and cinders.
      We used ashes from our coal fired furnace to
coat the sidewalk in front of our home. You didn't
slide on ashes. You didn't worry about lawsuits!
       We carried a can full of ashes in the trunk of
our car. The weight helped us with traction and,
if we got stuck, the ashes helped us pull out of
a slick spot to get back on the road again.
       Somewhere along the way the traffic guys
switched to a mixture of liquid calcium, that's
salt, to treat local and state roadways. You'll usually
see it being applied before the storm actually hits.
       It's sort of like salting your plate before your
french fries are served!
       It's good because it's there waiting when the
snow, or freezing rain, or sleet begins to fall.Once
applied it takes lower temperatures to turn the
highway into an ice skating rink.
       But while you're not're probably
       Mechanics tell me the liquid salt mixture has
an appetite for brake and fuel lines! It ate both on
my late Suburban!
        I guess ashes and cinders aren't considered
"environmentally sound' these days. But I remember
them working on the roads.... without eating my car!
        So pass the salt if you must. I'll be trying to
find out where I left that old can of ashes!
        Hope you're not slip sliding away and that all
your NEWS is good!


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