We now know that Punxsutawney Phil
did not see his shadow. Spring is just about
here....or....is it just THERE!?
Weather varies a lot from one place to
another. And Punxsutawney is 194 miles away
from Wyoming Valley!
I thought we should know what the shadow
status is right around here. I was all set to check
it out and report my findings in today's Blog!
But.....what happens when you can't find the
Those guys in Punxsutawney know exactly
where to find Phil!
But I haven't seen my Ground Hog........well,
my neighbor's Groundhog, since last April. He
showed up on a fairly regular basis back then.
But I'm not sure what it means when he sees his
shadow at that time of the year.
I figured I'd have to find a substitute. But, all
of a sudden, I realize I haven't even seen any of
the "million" stray cats I've seen around here in
the past. OK, maybe there wasn't a million. It
probably just seemed like a million.
Even that skunk that looked as big as a hog
when he wandred through our yard a month or two
ago seems to have disappeared. If only his scent
had gone so quickly!
I turned to my only other choices.
First, the fish tank! I watched carefully as
its two inhabitants cruised back and forth. There
was no sign of a shadow there! Spring is here!
At least in the fish tank.
Of course, come to think of it, the temperature
is always "Spring like" in the fish tank. There's
no Winter in there to extend for six weeks!
That left the Bird Cage. It was already dark
when I thought to check our Cockatiel so I'm
sure I would have seen a shadow if there was one.
I turned my camera to its "Night Vision"
setting and saw none! So, like the fish tank, it's
Spring in there too!
I wonder if I should step outside to see if I
can see my shadow? Hope I haven't lost it like
that Peter Pan guy!
I also hope Spring is near for you and that
all your NEWS is good!

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