Long before Santa sailed into northeastern
Pennsylvania members of my family began
showing up for our annual Christmas Eve
together at our house.
This Homecoming is proof positive there
is magic in Christmas.
There was food enough to feed all the
people in a small town.
There were presents for everyone. Lots
of presents.
And, of course, there was my family.
The five people who made up the
DeCosmos in this house 35 years ago have
grown to a gang of 13 individuals now.
And, in case I haven't mentioned it
before, our house is a mobile home!
It's a little like that Circus scene where
a dozen or more clowns get out of a tiny
Volkswagen! You always wondered how
they did that!
Somehow my wife organizes the food,
the floor space, the presents and the seating
in a fashion that makes very one comfortable
crowded though we may be.
This is a what a close knit family ought
to be and what Christmas togetherness is all
Hope you have a Merry Christmas and
that all your NEWS is good!
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