Tuesday, December 17, 2013


    "He who hesitates is lost!" Or so the
old saying goes.
     I had that in mind when we took our
grandson to a Christmas party on Saturday.
     Seeing an empty table at one end of
what would soon be the food serving line
I took that 50/50 chance we'd be at the
starting end if we sat there.
     I was right. And also quick when
someone walked by to announce the
serving had officially began.
     I admit to feeling very comfortable
as I nursed my remaining chicken
nuggets while a long line of still hungry
party goers walked slowly past our table.
At the end of the line...stragglers!
    The "Early Bird" truly does get the
worm or, in our case, the pizza, hot dogs,
and chicken nuggets.
     I thought about it again today when my
wife called my attention to a flock of about
8 or 9 geese flying overhead.
   Yes! They were heading south.
   But given the 17 degree temperature and
the snow piled up around our neighborhood
you could hardly call these geese early birds!
    They were "Stragglers."
    And I had to wonder, with more snow on
the way today. if they'd make it to their
destination, where ever that might be!
    Maybe they should have stopped by at
the party? We probably could have fixed
them up with some chicken nuggets!
    And now I'm thinking....maybe...I should
start thinking about starting my Christmas
shopping. I didn't say "doing it." Just
thinking about doing it.
    Hope you're not a straggler, and that all
of your NEWS is good!

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