Friday, November 20, 2015

Ready, Aim, Fire!


          READY, AIM, FIRE!

    Some of you laughed when I wrote
of my recent water gun purchase to
chase stray cats away from my valuable
car cover. I have no intention of harming
the critters. But, plain and simple, I want
them away from my cars, our bird feeder,
and off the grass.
     So, when I spotted one doing, well you
know, in the back of our yard I grabbed
my new red and yellow Tank Jr., air
pressure powered squirt gun and opened
fire from the advertised 26 foot range.
     If not right on target I was close enough
to let the feral cat know it was not welcome
and it took off for parts unknown.
     Last evening a neighbor called to tell
us another critter was spotted walking
between our two cars. I quickly loaded my
trusty water gun, primed the pump and
went out shooting!
      Since I didn't see the intruder I
simply opened fire in several directions.
But, alas, the target had disappeared
before I could respond. That might
be just as well. The neighbor wasn't
reporting a cat. She was warning us about
       I'm not sure how a bruin would react
to the blast from a water gun. Hope I
don't find out....and that all your NEWS
is good!

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