Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Stop Children, What's That Sound?



      Not since Bill Hickok faced David Tutts
in Springfield, Missouri, on July 21, 1865 has
there ben such a duel. Tutts 6 shooter sounded
first. But the loud report from Wild Bill's Colt
sounded the death of his challenger.
      But allow me to back up a bit.
      We are blessed with visits from our various
grand children from time to time. Often these
visits result in challenges. Perhaps a game of
chess, Battleship, or cards.
       Last evening, however, we hit a new high.
Or low. Depending on how you look at it.
       After consuming a full meal, cookies, and
a bag of Pop Corn, my grand daughter found
it necessary to release a rather audible belch.
My wife responded with a boast that she could
do better and immediately proceeded to offer
evidence to support her claim.
      Not wanting to be outdone my grand
daughter reached deep inside and sounded
off again. That, of course, prompted my wife
to respond to the challenge.
      Thus it was I spent the better part of the
next hour listening to point, counter point
offerings from the two combatants. Each
was impressive in their own way. I elected
to ignore the fray as much as possible. I'm
not sure if there was a clear winner. Certainly
it was not I."
     Hope they opt for Battleship next time
and that all your NEWS is good.


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