Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Two Arms! Two Arms!



       No. I'm not writing about Paul Revere's
call to arms against the British. That was a
different "to" anyway!
       I'm writing about my arms. The two of
them. They've come under a lot of fire
lately. And none of it came from the Red
Coats. It was from the "White Coats." The
medical folks!
      Since there's a new baby in the family
my wife and I found ourselves rolling up
our sleeves two weeks ago to get a shoot
to prevent Whooping cough! It's actually
kind of a good deal because the vaccine
provides protection against tetanus, diphtheria,
and pertussis (Whooping cough.)
      A week later we were at our pharmacy
to get a fresh dose of the Flu vaccine. It's
recommended by virtually every doctor
for those of us who are members of the
Senior Class.
      Since our left arms were still aching from
the TDAP inoculation we asked the clinician
wielding the hypodermic to aim for our
right shoulder. That way, we figured, the
ach would even!
      Problem is, our doctor felt we ought to
have a pneumonia shot this season. And
we've run out of arms! There would be no
problem if we were talking about my
allergy shot. My arms don't get achy after
that one. Although it can be a little
uncomfortable to sit down for an hour or
     Having gone through pneumonia once
before I realized a slight arm ach was a
far better option.
      We went back to the left arm for this
one! Hope we're in for a healthy winter
and that all your NEWS is good!

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