Saturday, November 21, 2015




   I joined my friend Mark Marek on
his "Coal Region Connections" radio
show yesterday as he talked about
the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday.
Mark likes to talk about the "good old
days" and Thanksgiving, in those days,
used to include a regional rivalry
Football game! 
  Local High Schools used to meet on the
Gridiron for a sort of "king of the hill"
Football game!
    In my case the rivalry was between
Hazleton, my home town, and West Hazleton.
    Most everybody went to those games.
    In 1957 5,500 fans showed up in a steady
rain at Harman Geist Stadium for the big
Thanksgiving  Day game!
    I was there too, right on the field, sort of.
    As I've written before, I was a "Manager"
for the team.
    Now  before you get me confused with the
likes of Joe Maddon, the term "manager" in
my sense meant that I and my fellow managers
hauled and packed the uniforms , carried the
water buckets and, quite often, hoisted the
stretcher as we carried injured players off the
field. Often through the mud!
    Though it was only my sophomore year I
"retired" from that prestigious position and
joined the Stage crew the next year. Everything
we did there was inside and dry!
     Still, in many ways, I miss those Thanksgiving
Day games!
     Hazleton did very well during my High School
days. We beat West Hazleton in 57, 58, and 1959!
Seems those Thanksgiving Day games are pretty
much gone now. There are a few across the country.
But it's nothing like those old local games that
once were as much a holiday tradition as stuffed
     I will continue my own rivalry as I take on the
turkey this Thursday!  It hasn't got a chance even
with its wishbone formation! I'll just do an end run
around the table!
     Hope I knock the stuffing out of the opposition
and that all your NEWS is good!
                     (Hazleton 1959)

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