I watched kids scramble to find "hidden"
Easter eggs at two gatherings yesterday. We
missed a third hunt by about 15 minutes.
If a child plays his or her cards right it's
possible to consume a month's worth of
chocolate in a matter of minutes following
an Easter Egg hunt!
Of course some of the candy survives,
at least long enough to feel the heat of the
sun through the windows of a warm car.
I actually remember one year when
one of the hidden eggs was discovered
long after Easter. Luckily that one was
made of plastic!
There are plenty of real eggs colored
each year for the holiday.
You can usually enjoy the colors on
the eggs or on the hands of the children
who helped to dye them.
And after you've enjoyed the eggs as
decorations you can enjoy them as
lunch. One suggestion here.....make sure
they were hard boiled before rolling them
in you hands to crack them open.
My wife decided to design a few
Pisanki Eggs this year.
Special dyes are used as these eggs
are used as murals for all sorts of artistic
designs. Sometimes the eggs are hollowed
out before the art work is applied.
My wife choose to use the eggs "as is"
to begin her project.
I thought her first attempt was pretty
She was working on the second one
when I heard the "splat!." The term
"butter fingers" came to my mind....but
never to my lips!
As a wise man once said...."A closed
mouth gathers no feet!"
Hope you've enjoyed your eggs, sunny
side up or chocolate, had a Happy Easter,
and that all your NEWS is good!

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