If somebody were to ask me that question
I would answer "West."
Anyhow April 22nd came and went and
I completely forget it was my anniversary!
No..........not my wedding anniversary!
My Blog anniversary!
April 22, 2011 was the date when I
decided to give blogging a try. In that
first attempt I wrote....."I do find myself with
an opinion I'd like to share from time to time
even if it's some of the nonsense that's entered
my world since I retired."
In keeping with that philosophy I think I
should point out that we do have a couple
of important dates to celebrate today!
First....this is National Pretzel Day!
According to the web Pretzel's date back
to 610AD. I'm not sure I'd want to eat one
quite that old.
It's easy to celebrate! Just......eat a pretzel!
Of course April 26th is also "Richter Scale
Day." It's the day we mark the birth of
Charles Richter the seismologist who came
up with the scale by which we measure the
strength of earthquakes!
I'm not exactly sure how we're suppose
to celebrate that one!
It's also "Hug an Australian Day!"
The "hug" should be easy. The problem
is finding an Australian! Good luck.
Finally the forth Thursday in April is
"Take Your Daughter To Work Day."
This could be tricky...especially if you
don't have a daughter. Many you can borrow
one for the day!
In my case I'm "retired" and it's my
daughters who are at work so I'm not sure
how that's suppose to work out.
Now that wealth of knowledge and
information should take me off the hook
for missing my anniversary!
Of course there's another one coming
up this Sunday and if I miss that one I
WILL be in trouble!!!!!! Just ask my
Hope you remember all the important
dates and that all your NEWS is good!

Happy belated Blogiversary!