our area. And everyone claims to have the
best pizza.
It reminds me of a cartoon I saw in the
old MAD Magazine a whole lot of years
It showed a fairly nice Pizza place with
a sign that read something like..."Joe's
Pizza, Best Pizza in the Country!" The
building right next door was a bit more
modern and two stories high. The sign in
that establishment's window read..."Sam's
Pizza, Best Pizza in the world!"
Immediately next door was a beautiful
just built multi story building with
flashing lights and colors and an
illuminated sign that read..."Bills Pizza,
Best Pizza in the Universe!"
And right next door was a run down
shack with broken windows, a lot of
dust and a hand made sign that read....
"Tony's Pizza..Best Pizza on the Block!"
I never met a pizza that I didn't like.
And usually we like to eat it at one
of the many Pizza Parlors around town or,
in our case, as far away as Port Jervis,
New York or Mystic, Conn!
That said, my wife and I have been
enjoying one brand that we pick up
at the local grocery store and heat in
our oven. That "store bought" pizza
can be just as good as anything we've
had on the road...IF it's baked just
After much experimentation I now
know exactly when our pizza is
ready. And it's simple. My wife puts
it in the over....sets it to some
recommended temperature. Then I
wait....till I hear the call....of the
smoke detectors! When they go off
I know it's ready. It never fails.
A little pepperoni, some tasty
red sauce, and a bit of smoke!
How can you beat that receipt?
Hope you're trying all the
toppings and that all your NEWS
is good!

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