We went to see the movie Argo yesterday. It was quite
an adventure....in several ways!
I was worried when we got into the theater.
I looked at the screen and realized that all of those pre
feature commercials and teases they show looked out of
All this way to the theater and I forgot my glasses?!
Wait a minute! I don't wear glasses! Except for those
reading kind you buy for a couple of bucks in the
"Dollar Stores."
My wife suggested I tell someone BEFORE the actual
movie got started. So I walked back to the concession
area where I told one of the theater employees about
the problem.
"Oh", he said, "Don't worry about that. That equipment
is broken. Everything will be fine when the movie starts!"
The thought that a movie theater knew about faulty
video equipment and choose to let it run in that condition
was not very comforting!
Ironically,as I returned to my seat to inform my wife
that we were not victims of some sudden eye disorder,
some sort of commercial about High Definition Video
was showing on the screen!
Luckily, the attendant was right.
The feature came through as crystal clear as the
commercial should have.
So did my memories!
Argo is a movie about a daring rescue attempt of 6
people who managed to leave the American embassy
in Iran before it was taken over by Islamist militants
in 1979.
53 Americans were taken hostage and held for a total
of 444 days!
Two of them, Bruce German and Michael Metrinko,
where natives of northeastern Pennsylvania.
I remember the day they were released.
It's the only time I even spent a night in a bar!!!!!
It was, I believe, Lodeski's Bar in Edwards ville.
My cameraman, the late Bob Dennis, and I were sent
there because Bruce German's Mom owned the place.
You don't usually get an assignment in a bar unless
it's to catch die hard football fans watching the Super
Bowl in their strange costumes and make up!
But we knew she would be getting a telephone call
as soon as his release was official and we were waiting
to record that moment!
She got it! And so did we!!!!
You never know where you're going to find news!
Argo reminded me of those waiting hours and the
joyful feeling everyone shared when the ordeal finally
It's a good movie even without my memories!
Hope you'll see it and that, like Bruce German's
Mom that night, all your NEWS is good!

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