Two days ago my Blog was dedicated to all
those "Crossing signs" you see along our highways
and streets. Remember? Things like "Deer Crossing,"
"Tractor Crossing," and the like.
But yesterday I found myself at one of those City
Cross walks designed for people.
It's the busy intersection at Wyoming and
Lackawanna Avenue in downtown Scranton. It's
right in front of the Boscov's Department store in
the Mall at Steamtown.
This Crossing, and others like it, could be used
as qualifiers for the Olympic games!
They are spots where seniors become sprinters and
motorists learn to run an obstacle course! The "obstacles",
of course, are people!
There are, as if to help pedestrians, "Walk/Don't
Walk" signs.
I've seen these electronic "flag men" in various
shapes and forms over the years,
Some flash the 'Walk" indicator then display a
countdown of the number of seconds left before the
traffic is turned loose! You'd be surprised how fast
people can "walk" when they see they've got 2 seconds
Some, like those in Hazleton, actually allow
people to cross while traffic is stopped in all
Those in Scranton give the go-ahead to cross
but don't stop cars, trucks, and buses from turning
onto the street your crossing!
It's a regular stop for city ambulances.
The grass may always be greened on "the other
side of the street." But, sometimes, getting to it is a
real challenge!
Most people try to cross in groups. I think they
think drivers are more reluctant to run down humans in
large numbers. If may be true! I've cross safety among
others many times!
And it's sort of nice to "jog" in a pack!
Of course you can always hope there's a
Boy Scout around!
Hope you remember to "cross at the green, not
in between, and that all your NEWS is good!

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