A Facebook friend, Judy Best, sent me a recording
of a radio talk show caller who was complaining about
those Deer Crossing signs we see along area highways.
She, the caller, insisted they should be moved.....so
the deer would cross somewhere else!
Attempts, by the host, to suggest the deer don't
actually read the signs before deciding where to
cross fell of deaf ears.
I've wanted to blog about those signs, and others
like them for some time.
Maybe my Facebook friend's message is "a sign"
that this is the right time!
I took out a deer with a Jeep I owned several
years ago. I was passing a tractor trailer when the
animal ran towards the left front of my car. I had
a choice that had to be made in a millisecond.
I could either swerve directly in front of the
big rig or hit the deer and try my best to stay on
course and maintain control.
The deer lost that argument!
It has since occurred to me that I've seen a lot
of "Deer Crossing signs" and never once seen a
deer crossing by one of them!
I've seen plenty of deer on and along side area
roadways. Maybe they're looking for one of those
signs to find a place to cross safely?
Now that's not to say those signs should be
After all, I've also seen "Tractor Crossing,"
"Duck Crossing," and "Cattle Crossing" signs
but never seen a tractor or cattle crossing in
the spots where they're posted.
I think I did see some ducks taking advantage
of one of their cross walks in the Poconos one
And I certainly do pay attention when similar
signs warn about the possibility of a train rolling
across my path! Trains do take advantage of
those crossings!
Then there's people! They're a little like deer.
There are signs that warn of "Pedestrian
Crossings." But a lot of people, like deer, choose
their own places to cut in front of traffic.
Guess the lesson is......whether it's deer,
tractors, ducks, people, or anything else.....
watch out! They could be anywhere!
Hope it's not in front of you and that all
your NEWS is good!

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