The title of that Ray Bradbury novel and movie
came to my mind yesterday as I enjoyed another day
of mild temperatures but listened to warnings about
Sandy, for those of you are caught up in all the
rhetoric about the upcoming election, is a Hurricane
that's traveling north and may be stopping by for a
visit right here in northeastern Pennsylvania.
Just a day or two ago one local television
"Weather Man" was showing us predicted paths
for the storm.
There were about a half dozen "models" on his
screen. The majority of them showed the storm
turning out into the Atlantic with minimal effect
on our area.
I guess the computers that drew those models
must have a virus because now we're being told
to batten down the hatches on Monday into
I've looked all over my house and I can't
find any hatches! I do have some windows and
a couple of doors. They're already closed.
Some forecasters are making Sandy sound
like the "Perfect Storm."
But nobody's perfect so, maybe, well catch a
I hope so because I can't seek shelter in my
basement! I don't have a basement!
I do have some "anti storm" equipment
including an umbrella and gloves.
Of course I also have a comfortable couch
and even though it's not in a basement I may just
seek shelter there.....with some popcorn or pizza!
That sounds perfect whether there's a storm
or not!
Hey! Maybe the hot air from all the politics
will force Sandy to take a detour! There should be
enough of that to keep us all warm all winter!
Hope you weather the storm and that all
your NEWS is good!

I love the image of preparing for a storm by putting on gloves!