Sunday, October 28, 2012

Night Of The Living Dead!

    Last night I became a Zombie! Sort of.
    My wife and I were invited to a "Zombie
Murder Mystery Party."  You were required
to come dressed for your part.
    My part was that of a Zombie Television
Reporter. Talk about being type cast!
     The writers and producers of this game
are apparently trying to capitalize on the
current "Zombie craze" that's reflected in
the popular movies and TV series that are
built around the theme of Zombies.
      Of course you're got to ask yourself
how a Zombie can be murdered since they're
suppose to be dead already!
       That got my mind to wonder about strange
story possibilities.
        What if, for instance, a bald Zombie was
bitten by a werewolf who had been bitten by a
         Chances are the Zombie would sprout
hair every time there was a full moon! But he
wouldn't be able to see himself in a mirror!
          We all read the parts of our characters
and questioned one another in an effort to
guess the identity of the killer.
           I won't tell you "who done it" just in
case you're ever suckered....I mean invited to
participate in this particular game.
          I will tell you to go easy on your Zombie
makeup. It doesn't come off very easily!!!!!!
          So, in the event I look "dead" today, you'll
          Hope you were 'dying" to read today's
Blog and that all your NEWS is good!

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