My son and his girl asked me to tape a TV show for
them this week.
It's one of the most popular programs on the tube
these days. It's called "The Walking Dead." It's all
about Zombies!!!!!
I don't know how you feel about Zombies. But a lot
of people must like them. They've been around for a
very long time!
According to Wikipedia there have been some 607
movies about Zombies dating back to 1932 (although
there was a Frankenstein movie produced in 1910. And
Frankenstein was, after all, a reanimated corpse!).
The "Walking Dead" fans don't know what they've
missed over the years.
Gems like "Bloodsuckers From Outer Space" and
"Romeo and Juliet vs. The Living Dead."
A Zombie was also prominently featured in a 1953
flick with Scranton's own Lizabeth Scott and Dean
Martin and Jerry Lewis.
They're just so darn dependable!
First, they look very dead. The "new ones" look
just like the ones I saw in movies in the 50's.
They don't walk very well. That's kind of good if
they're chasing you!
They don't talk. They just sort of growl.
They're a lot easier to kill than vampires and
You don't need a wooden stake or silver bullet
with Zombies.
Of course, as is the case with vampires and
werewolves, you don't want to let them bite you!
If you're bitten by any one of them you get
turned into their kind!
Which prompts this question. What if a
Zombie bites a vampire? Or visa versa.
Would zombies lost their reflection in a
mirror? Judging from their general appearance
that might not be a bad thing. Could they only
come out at night? Don't you ever worry about
these things?
I figured, since everybody is taking this
Zombie thing so seriously, I better keep my Blog
readers informed!
Some of you probably don't think this information
is important. After all, other than TV and in the movie,
where will you ever see a zombie? Or a vampire. Or
a Werewolf.
Well, keep in mind, October 31st is right around
the corner and you'll probably see a few of each!
Hope they'll limit their bites to the treats you
hand out and that all your NEWS is good!

LOL.. Love the Walking Dead. Working on a zombie short myself at the moment. Will be done by Halloween (It has to be, it's a contest entry and that's the deadline) will let you know.