Good friends got together yesterday.
A half dozen of us met up at a Cracker
Barrel restaurant just outside Binghamton
New York. It's a sort of "half way" stop
for my buddy from upstate New York and
the four of us heading north from Wyoming
Cracker Barrel is a neat place. The food
is good. But that's only part of the
Our wives usually head straight to a
shopping area where the chain offers
unique items like novelty gifts and clothing.
And there's usually one section set aside
for items that are being offered for sale.
Yesterday, for instance, some Halloween
items were available at 80% off! A lot
of shoppers realized it wasn't a trick and
took advantage of the treat!
While the gals shop the guys usually
look towards the ceiling! Cracker Barrel
appears to be the final destination for
some of those unusual items the "Pickers"
find in old attics and garages across the
It's interesting to note that most of
us have owned most of the things hanging
from those ceilings at one time or another
during our lives. If only we had thought
to save them!
Our gang has visited this place many
times. In fact my buddy, who takes pictures
of anything that moves, has photographed
most of the employees over the course of
our visits and usually has a series of Mug
shots to hand out before we've scanned
the menu! Most of the waitresses probably
think he's eventually going to try to sell
them a photo album.
Good friends, good place, great time!
Hope you've got a group and place
like that and that all your NEWS is good!
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