I guess I'd have to admit it's my own fault. At
least partly.
I love going to the movies. My Dad was a
projectionist. I grew up with the movies! There
is absolutely nothing like seeing a movie on the
Big Screen!
Sorry Netflix. Apologies to those of you who
can and do get movies right on your phone. You
cannot beat the atmosphere of a large dark
auditorium with "Surround Sound" and that huge
screen that take up the entire front wall!
The Movie Theater is just THE place to be!
Except........on a Saturday night!!!
Long ago I excluded Saturday movies from my
agenda because, usually, the place just gets too
Last night I violated my own policy and I paid
for it!
En route North from Florida my wife and I
decided to take in the new movie "The Call" at
a 14-screen movie theater Florence, South Carolina.
We got there very early and had our choice of
seats before the crowd arrived. But arrive it did!
It was a mixed audience. I'd say nearly 100%
came to see the movie. But of that number, some
45% were teens who can in herds, or whatever
you call loud obnoxious groups of "young adults"
who could have illuminated a small city with
their cell phone lights, overpowered a siren with
their comments, and laughed at everything on
the screen even though there was no comedy to
be found.
Most shut off the cell phones when the feature
started, But there are always those few who have to
keep in touch with somebody throughout the entire
Small pockets of idiots collectively chuckled
when the saw various scenes and a group of young
ladies, I use that term advisedly, swooned and laughed
when an actor playing a muscular police officer
appeared on screen. They wanted everyone to know
how much they would have loved to play opposite
him! In reality most of them looked like they'd be
lucky to be included in a home video they took
We blocked out as many f the distractions as we
could and were extremely pleased when the feature
provided some scenes that generated some genuine
screams of fear from the offending watchers.
I can honestly recommend the movie. I believe
you should see it in a theater on the big screen......
some week night! Stay home Saturday and watch
something on TV!
Hope you miss the Saturday crowd and that all
your NEWS is good!

Not our group!
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