It's March 30th everybody! And that means
it's "National Doctor's Day!" It's a day set
aside to show your appreciation to all those
physicians who try to keep us well or make us
better when we're sick!
I wish I would have know about this
"holiday" a little earlier. I could have bought
a box of cards and sent them out Thursday.
They are still delivering on Saturdays aren't
I would have needed a bunch of cards. As
I've grown older my "collection" of doctors
has grown. At this point I see four on a
regular basis. And that doesn't include my
dentist who, of course, is technically a
I've also had the "pleasure" of submitting
myself to the expertise of about three others
since the beginning of 2013.
My family doctor is the most understandable
of the lot. Most of the others spoke in technical
and medical terms that I don't understand and
forget how to pronounce minutes after they've
talked with me. And have you ever noticed
that, usually, when a doctor walks into the
examining room he usually asks "How are you?"
Why don't any of us answer honestly and
say "I'm not here because I feel great!"
But in the midst of some serious coughing
bouts in January I started to wonder if I was
dying. My Doctor said..."Yes. But not any
quicker than anyone else!"
Unlike some of the other unusual "holidays"
I've mentioned from time to time this one is
The day marks the anniversary of the first use
of general anesthesia in surgery. The first National
Doctor's Day was celebrated in 1991.
On March 30, 1958, the United States House of
Representatives adopted a resolution commemorating
Doctors' Day. In 1990, the congress and the senate approved
legislation establishing National Doctors Day. The resolution
designating March 30 as National Doctors' Day was signed by
President George Bush. Since it's too late to mail cards we
should all justcall our doctors and wish them well.
Odds are you'll get the Answering Service so you'll just have
to leave a message.
Hope you're feeling well and that all your NEWS is good!

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