I noticed a strange silence as I awoke yesterday
morning. It took a few moments to realize that
someone was walking along the street near my
place but there were no dogs barking!
Our closest neighbors (in terms of proximity)
have left for places unknown.
They apparently took two or three
hound dogs and a mixed breed mutt along with
them. They had shared the smaller dog with
those of us who lived nearby, allowing him to
roam freely to our properties to take care of his
daily waste disposal needs.
To be fair there probably wasn't any available
space in their yard for any more wastes of any
kind! I'm sure, had they stayed, they would
have been on top of the "on call list" for the
Hoarders TV program.
My suggested title would have been.........
"A visit with the Bumpuses!"
Minutes after they moved out our developer
had a crew move in with a dump truck that
took out at least two full loads of "things"
they left behind.
Where ever they've gone I wish them well.
My thoughts and prayers are also with all
the new people who live close to them!
Their old place will be coming down
soon. But I'm already singing "It's a beautiful
day in the neighborhood!"
Hope you're got good neighbors and that
all your NEWS is good!
A day later!
Dogs gone!
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