Thursday, May 16, 2013

Start Spreading The News...I'm Heading to...Hometown!

  We did some window shopping in New York
City during a visit there two years ago.
   My wife and my buddy's wife checked out
several stores along Fifth Avenue. My buddy
and I just sort of tagged along in the background
and tried to restrain our laughter when the gals
spotted shoes that cost more than I used to make
in a week or were "discouraged" from entering
one "high end store" by a security guard who
was either restricting the number of people
inside or just didn't like the attire of we
northeastern Pennsylvania visitors.
    Yesterday we hit a spot that's far more our
style. And certainly a lot more in our price
    We visited the Hometown Market!
    Depending on who you ask Hometown is
either a "Flea" or a "Farmer's Market." Or
maybe it's a Farmer's Flea Market!?
    That's really because there's a little bit of
everything there.
     We saw tables piled high with T shirts of
all colors selling for just a buck.Some with
pockets were marked 3 for 5 dollars.
      There were boxes set out everywhere
filled with things you weren't sure your
needed....but suspected you couldn't do
without....ranging from a dollar to about 5
       And plants! More plants then I've ever
seen (or noticed) there before. Enough to
test the efficiency of your allergy medication!
I saw them everywhere through my watery
       Women can pick out a complete
wardrobe here, if they can accept the unique
color combinations, and finish their ensemble
with a purse large enough to carry the
watermelons on sale there!
       And a whole mess of items (and that
phrase can be taken literally) were "As
Seen On TV!"
       What interested me most, however,
were the New York license plates on many
of the trucks that hauled all this merchandise
to Hometown Pennsylvania! I don't know
how much of it came from 5th Avenue. But
it's so nice to know the Big Apple does welcome
our business whether we go there or New York
comes to us!
       Hope you're been there and done that....and
that all your NEWS is good!


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