I never put much stock into those 50's and
60's era Sci/Fi movies. They featured all
kinds of monsters. But the basic plot was
always the same.
All of the over sized creatures, Giant ants,
Giant spiders, and prehistoric monsters like
Godzilla, were created by excessive
The whole idea was......give anything too
much radiation...and it grows to giant
It sounded like a bunch of Hollywood
nonsense to me!
But now I'm beginning to wonder. Could
this "Global warming" every body's been
talking about really be true? Could the sun's
radiation be causing unusual growth in our
modern era?
I ask because of my grandson.
He was born 15 years ago today. He was
little. But then, all babies are little.
So how is it that just 15 years later he's
taller than I?
I figure it must be the radiation! I mean,
I know kids grow. But that fast?
And how come while he's gained heigth
I've lost some?
Maybe it's our diets? Although he eats
just about anything, anytime and gets
taller. If I ate as much and as often I don't
think it's my height that would change!
Maybe it's got something to do with that
attempt to switch to the metric system a few
years back. Perhaps centimeters make you
taller? If that's the case I'll have to try to
get a couple of those!
I'm hoping my grandson doesn't get
too much taller. I can only arch my neck
so far to look up!
Happy Birthday Jason! Hope all your
NEWS , and that of my readers, is good!

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