Wednesday, May 8, 2013


   Whoops! That's the word that went through
my mind as I turned onto Luzerne Avenue in
West Pittston to start home from my morning
walk yesterday.
    The usually busy street was closed to traffic
right at its intersection with Wyoming Avenue.
     Yellow caution tape was strung across the
junction. Right behind it, a huge Dump Truck,
its cargo compartment rising into the air AND
into the string of utility wires that run along
the street! Trucks and utility wires do not mix
     Crowds gather quickly for events like this!
     They become a form of entertainment for
some. Ever notice how traffic slows down in
the north bound lanes when you're passing an
accident on the south bound side? That's
because the "Rubber neckers" are slowing
down to make sure they get a good look.
    In the case of the Dump Truck the
operator was dumping a load of rocks onto
an empty lot where a Bank once stood.
     He had already attracted the attention of
some "Sidewalk Superintendents" who love
to watch any kind of construction projects.
     Imagine their surprise when he started
to pull out without lowering his bucket!
     You can just about hear the reaction from
everybody who was watching!
     I suspect his manager may have a different
word for the incident!
     I took in the show for awhile then found
another way around the mess.
     Guess old Bill Shakespeare was right.                 
     "All the world's a stage,   And all the men
and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And some forget to lower their buckets"
(That last part was mine!)
      Hope you're always looking for the
show and that all your NEWS is good!



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