Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Fall Colors and Kicks!

   I've been spending a lot of time looking
at all the colors lately.
   There's a wide variety. But, for the most
part I see Orange and Black and Blue and
White. There's been a lot of Red in there
too over the past few days.
    Oh. You thought I meant the leaves.
    No. I was talking about all those colors
on the uniforms dashing by me, in both
directions as I watch two of my grand kids
on the Soccer fields!
     I never played soccer so it's fair to say
I don't know a lot about the game except,
of course, you score by kicking or head
butting a ball into a huge net. I've also
noticed it can be tough on the shins!
      There's a lot of running but, usually,
just a little bit of scoring.
       I usually joint the other parents, and
grandparents in yelling encouragement to
the kids even though most of us don't know
what we're talking about.
       You yell for a kid to chase after the ball
not knowing there are certain places they're
not suppose to go, depending on what position
they're playing.
        It seems to be a very challenging game.
Especially since the players, all but the Goalie,
aren't allowed to use their hands! Usually kids
can't keep their hands off anything!
        They get pretty warm running up and
down the field. That's more than I can say
for those us who sit and cheer as the wind
picks up and the sun sinks lower and lower
each day!
         Well the season's almost over. Just a few
games left for me to learn "who's on first' or
whatever they call those different positions.
           Hope you know the score and that all
your NEWS is good!


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