Tuesday, October 28, 2014

My Day At Girl Scout Camp!

   We just couldn't resist. The sun was shining.
The temperature was in the low 60's. So....the
Miata top came down and my wife and I set
out for another adventure to parts unknown.
   As is quite often the case we left with a
general direction rather than a specific
destination in mind.
    Yesterday though, we found ourselves on
a back road seldom traveled. At least by us.
    Since my wife often has a problem telling
right from left I admit I was shocked when,
while driving up a steep mountain road, she
asked if we were near Camp Louise.
     I had no idea if we were or not since, as
far as I could remember, I had never been to
the place.
     But only moments after she asked the
question....there is was! A small sign for the
popular Girl Scout Camp where my wife and
kids had stayed a whole lot of years ago.
     Next question. Could we go in to take a
look around?
     The answer took the Miata down a windy,
dirt and gravel road which, for a time, I
feared would never end.
     It did eventually end though....in a field
of memories for my wife.
     The camp was very much as she remembered
it although some new facilities have been
added over those years.
     It seemed a bit strange to see the empty
tents and fireless fireplaces waiting for kids
with all the fixings for their smores!
     There were no canoes on the pond and the
swimming pool was empty.
     The camp seemed to be resting. Just
waiting for the next batch of Girl Scouts
showing up for a camping adventure sure
to build character and make memories.
     Hope you've got a stick for hot dogs
stored away somewhere ..and that all your
NEWS is good!    

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