Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The 300!

                 THE 300!

      OK. It may not be quite as
impressive as the 300 Spartans who
held the narrow pass of  Thermopylae
against a vast Persian army. And I
don't and never have looked as good
as Gerard Butler who played King
Leonidas in the movie.
     Still, my 300 was an historical
     Yesterday in a small studio in
Scranton I produced the 300th
edition of a program called "ECTV
Live." It's carried on the Comcast
cable system in our area.
     I started the show over 5 years
ago to promote upcoming public
events and social services available
to people here in northeastern
     Airing initially live, hence the
title, the half hour program is rerun
a minimum of 15 times each week.
That amounts to over 2100 hours
of public service programming
over those years.
     Sometimes producing it has
seemed like I was facing the Persian
army. Trying to find subjects and
guests each and every week isn't
always easy. But it has been an
eye opener for me and, I hope, the
audience to realize how many great
things there are to see and enjoy
around these parts and how many
services, most of them free, are
available to the people!
      Judge Tom Munley and I were
partners on the show for the first
few years. But others have pitched
in with their talents as well. Paula
Deignan, Derry Bird, Barry Finn,
and Frank Andrews have all been
co-hosts. Most of those duties are
been handled by Rusty Fender these
days. And all of our programs have
been directed by Electric City
Television Manager Mark Migliore.
       Hope you get to see us sometime
and that all your NEWS is good!

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