Thursday, August 24, 2017


    FRIDAY, AUGUST 25TH., 2017
                A FREE RIDE!

   I've been telling you about my visits
to the Little League World Series this
year and how impressed I've been with
both the players from around the country
and the world and with their families
and supporters as well!
    There's a lot to be impressed with
at the games!
     We've all heard the old saying
"There's no such thing as a free ride."
But there is at the Little League World
     First, there's no admission charge
for any of the games! I though I
remembered them taking donations.
But they didn't even do that at the two
games I made this year.
     The attendants were all courteous
and willing to help in any way they
could. They're all volunteers!
      And as for that "free ride", I
was still suffering with a case of
gout and hobbling around with a
cane when I showed up at the bottom
of the long hill leading to Lamade
      No problem! There's a steady
convoy of golf carts and small busses
running up and down that hill before,
during, and after the games for anyone
who has any physical concerns about
taking the hike.
     The cost for this transportation?
None. Like the admission it's free of
      I'd have no problem if there was
a charge to get in or for the transport
service but Little League wants to
make sure these world class games
are available to any and everyone.
      Anyway you look at it the Little
League World Series is a Home Run
for baseball and unity!
      Hope it always remains that way
and that all your NEWS is good!


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