Wednesday, August 30, 2017


              ON THE LEVEL!

     I decided to put my feel to the test
Wednesday. My wife and I had been
walking about 2 miles every day or so
when sore ankles turned into the gout
which had me off my feet for a week
or so.
     Since we routinely walked together
my wife sat things out while I slowly
      We were on our way to so a short
section of the Lehigh Gorge Park trail
when I remembered a church friend
recommending a hike around Penn
Lake. We thought we'd give it a try.
       We weren't long into our walk
when one thing become perfectly
clear. While the water in the lake is
level the road that encircles it is not!
        Hills are not my favorite
walking areas even when my feet
are in tip top, or tip toe, condition!
         About the time I wasn't sure
I was feeling good enough to continue
my wife observed that we were already
near or just past the "point of no return!"
That's the place where it's just as far to
go back as it is to go on.
            So on we went. The hike was
made easier by our encounter with
several local residents with whom we
enjoyed some pleasant conversation.
             We were just about back to
our car when one local explained that
what I thought was a 5-mile-walk was
actually only 1.7 miles.
              Guess I'm not quite back to
full capacity just yet!
               Hope it comes soon and that
all your NEWS is good!

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