Forgive me if I do not join you in celebrating
this somewhat unusual "holiday." I just haven't
got a taste for it.
What "holiday" you may ask?
Well April 19th has been designated as
National Garlic Day! I thought you knew!
It's also Hanging Out Day, Oklahoma
City Bombing Commemoration Day,
National Day of Silence, John Parker Day,
and DNA Day!
You've got to wonder who comes up with
some of these gems.
Anyway, back to National Garlic Day!
Garlic was never my favor vegetable.
That said, the experts will tell you it does
have a lot of value in terms of medicinal
benefits. They say chemicals in garlic are
believed to provide protection against heart
disease and cancer.
It also is said to help fight off colds and
flu, lowers cholesterol, treats acne and warts,
and can be used to ease toothaches.
I'm surprised nobody mentioned it's best
know benefit as a repellent against vampires!
Supporters of National Garlic Day suggest
you add some of it to all of your meals today....
unless, of course, you have a date scheduled for
this evening. Apparently its "after effects"
are not limited to repelling the other
"children of the night."
Although promoted as a National Day
there is no record of any Congressional or
Presidential action officially recognizing
Guess they just didn't want to make a big
stink about it!
Hope you're not an Alliumaphobic* and
that all your NEWS is good.
(*Alliumphobia is the fear of garlic)

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