Thursday, January 2, 2014

A Face Full Of Cold Water!

  New Year's Day began with a face full of cold
water! No, it was a remedy for the after affects
of New Year's Eve celebration!
   Seems our trusty water heater decided to check
out with 2013.
   I'm still not sure how it knew it was the last day
of the old year. I seldom say much about things like
that to any of my appliances.
   I did say a few things to the water heater when
I discovered it was broken! I won't bother you with
those comments.
   We immediately placed calls to two plumbers in
the hope of getting some quick repairs done.
    Since we're still waiting for a call back I've got
to believe both were already well into their New
Year's Eve celebration on Tuesday morning or
worried that a job on December 31st would throw
off all of the income calculations for the year.
    Of course the only way to stop the water
leaking from the bottom of our recently
deceased water heater was to turn off the water
supply to our whole house.
    Fortunately my wife keeps a few old milk
containers around filled with water in case of an
emergency. And this looked about as close to an
emergency as we'd seen for awhile.
    Hopefully by the time late risers red this one
of those two plumbers will have decided to go
back to work and return or calls. Otherwise
we'll be shocked to life for a few days with a
handful of cold water carefully poured from a
milk jug!
     Hope somebody comes through and that all
your NEWS is good!                                                

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