Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Where There's Smoke!

     It was totally unexpected!
     The smoke alarm suddenly sounded
its piercing shrill tone throughout the
     Under normal circumstances that
would mean my wife had finished
making the pizza.
      But wait a minute! We had just
eaten less than an hour before!
       I heard my wife shout which, in
itself is pretty amazing. Not the shout.
The fact that I heard her.
       "It's Me" she said!
        Was she on fire? Should I grab an
extinguisher or call that emergency
number....whatever it is?
         No. You could tell from her tone
this wasn't a call for help. Just an
acknowledgement that she had triggered
the alarm. Even without pizza!
          The alarm had detected the smoke
from melting wax which my wife was
using to decorate some empty wine
          The exercise was prompted by an
upcoming dinner at our church at which
the wine bottles may serve as decorations.
            I must say they do look good. At
least I think so. It's tough to see through all
the smoke!
             Just another example of the craft
talents possessed by my wife.
             Of course I get a little of the credit!
             Who do you think helped empty the
              Hope when the smoke clears all your
NEWS is good!

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