Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Oh Tannenbaum!

     It is, for me, a depressing scene.
     Christmas trees discarded along
the curb line in many area towns!
     But today is Christmas!!!!!
     It is "Russian" or "Orthodox"
      January 7th is Orthodox Christmas
because the date corresponds to Dec.
25 in the Julian Calendar, still used by
many Orthodox Christians.
     The calendar, which was instituted by
the Roman emperor Julius Caesar, is 13
days behind the newer Gregorian Calendar,
used by most Christians.
     Not anxious to debate which date should
be observed.....I celebrate both!
     Our tree remains decorated and lighted
today and our "Russian Santa" has come
through with some small presents for the
immediate family members.
     I'm still surprised he stops around here
since there's not a Russian or Orthodox
person to be found at our place!
     Of course we wouldn't toss our tree out
anyway since it's artificial and has been
part of the family for many years.
     Our Tannenbaum, when retired for the
season, will be covered and stored, as it
stands until December of this year.
      My wife tells me, with the extremely
cold temperatures we're facing, the tree may
say up and serve as a hiding place for this
year's Easter eggs!
      The way I figure it a little extra
Christmas won't hurt anybody!
      So, to all of you. Merry Christmas
and may all your NEWS be good!

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