We were kind of excited some years back
when a new Sheetz Service...let's make that
Gas....station opened up a mile down the hill
from our house.
I remember how low gas prices were
when the place started up. And it was so
convenient for us!
Of course, as we all know, gas prices
have been climbing everywhere over the
past few years.
When I headed down the hill to fill up
my wife's car yesterday I was a little surprised
to see a gallon of regular selling $3.55/.9.
As I said, gas prices have been rising
faster than hot air from a Politician.
But just the day before, I stopped in
Pittston to buy fuel for my van. It was
$3.33/.9 a gallon! Had prices gone up more
than 20 cents a gallon overnight? Maybe
our Governor had added another tax,,,excuse
me...I mean "fee" that I hadn't heard about.
So, just for the heck of it, I drove back to
Pittston where the gas was still selling for
22cents under the Sheetz price.
Now the station in Pittston, a Turkey
Hill, has a "Rewards Card" program that
cuts 3 cents a gallon off the advertised
price. But Sheetz does as well.
Both stations operate convenience stores.
The biggest difference may be the Sheetz
proximity to the Mohegan Sun Casino.
And I've been told, it's a good bet,somebody
is taking advantage of the gamblers who need
gas to get home and head to the closest
station whatever the price may be.
I prefer not to be a "high roller" in terms
of filling my car's gas tank!
If it is greed at work here the company
should at least change the name to Sheets
and wear them while they're holding me
Hope you tank is full....you wallet isn't
empty...and that all your NEWS is good!

We have noticed that the Sheetz in the Back Mtn bumps up the price later in the week, say Thursday, then lowers the price late Sunday...most likely because its payday for a lot of people and the weekend driving picks up