Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Oh What Fun It Is To ....Slide

  My adventures began again yesterday.
  After a week pretty much packed with
coughing, taking decongestants, and
generally lounging around, I was eagerly
anticipating my weekly interview show
on Electric City Television.
   Then I heard the weather forecast!
   The Sunday night predictions pretty
much made it seem like my planned trip
to Scranton might require a Zamboni!
    Most of us can handle a little snow
pretty well. But sleet and freezing rain
is unfair competition.
     When the roads get icy "going"
isn't the biggest problem. It's "stopping"
that offers the real challenge.
      Remembering all that advice I used
to offer when I was sent out on winter
weather news assignments I gave myself
extra time and set out early.
       I also made use of as many side roads
as possible. After spending two full nights
(on different occasions) trapped on the
Interstate I learned that just one tractor
trailer accident can shut down those major
highways leaving you with no means of
      The back road near my home should
have been the worst, It's got some elevation
and doesn't get a lot of attention. I was
pleased to find it just a little "mushy" and
slightly slick.
       The rest of my drive to the Electric City
was no problem at all. Apparently I had
chosen a route not covered by the weather
         My only "near disaster" came on the
sidewalks of Scranton where somebody
forgot the Quick Joe! Fortunately I used
my arms like Wallenda's  balancing bar and
managed to stay upright!
          Hope you weathered the storm and
that all your NEWS is good!


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