Monday, January 19, 2015

Pop Quiz!

  A lot of schools and businesses are closed
today! It's a holiday! What holiday? I'm glad
you asked!
   This is National Popcorn Day!
   I know. Many of you have the day off to
celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday.
But Dr. King was born on January 15th.,
1929! The Fed's changed it to the third
Monday in January. So, this year, it falls
on National Popcorn Day.
    Popcorn is probably my favorite snack!
    I keep a supply of microwave popcorn
on hand at home. And there's no way I can
sit down in a movie theater without a bag
of fresh popped popcorn to help me through
the previews of coming attractions!
     Of course these days there's so many
previews my popcorn is usually gone well
before thefeature begins.
     The theaters have also successfully
tempted me with a reusable bucket that
allows me to save more than a buck each
time I get it filled.
     Dr, King used to campaign to try to
bring people together. I can't think of a
better way to do that than to get together
for a movie and share some popcorn! I
think he'd like National Popcorn Day!
    Hope you'll have a bowl to celebrate
and that all your NEWS is good!


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