Sunday, June 25, 2017


     MONDAY, JUNE 26TH., 2917

   I was saddened last evening to learn
of the passing of local radio personality
L.A. Tarone. He had been battling
lung cancer for many months.
   L.A. and I have know each other
for a long time although we seldom
got together except, perhaps, for an
occasional call I'd make to his talk
program on WILK radio.
    Every now and then he'd call on
me to recall some area historical event
I likely covered during my own broadcasting
career. I stayed away from political
opinions. L.A., who had many opinions
of his own, always respected my position
and treated me very fairly.
    I actually got to join him on the air
and in the studio on Christmas Eve of
2014. He had invited me in to talk "old
times" and we shared some great
      We had more than just a little in
common. We both hailed from Hazleton
and came up through the ranks. We both
began our broadcasting in radio, did some
newspaper writing, and worked in TV as
     L.A. even wrote a book about our old
hometown called "We Were Here Once."
He included a mention of me in his
publication, paying me a very kind
compliment as "a reporter who gets things
     L.A. liked to dig for the facts too and
prided himself with a wonderful memory
of music and area history.
     In his final role as a Talk show host he
didn't always win fans with his opinions.
But, as a responsible journalist, he always
had time for those with opposing points
of view.
      As I wrote in a Facebook post, sometimes
the "success" of media people is measured by
their move to bigger cities or network jobs.
While those successes deserve applause and
attention I believe there's something to be
said for the journalist who devotes his or her
career to serving the communities they call
"home." L.A. did just that with dedication
and devotion.
      He always said "If you can do it, it
ain't bragging." He wasn't bragging!
      See you later L.A. And to all my readers,
may all your NEWS be good.

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