came into my mind on Super Bowl Sunday!
I thought I was out!
Thanksgiving had started my slide.
Turkey can do that to me!
My morning walks had my weight
down to a fairly acceptable number.
But I knew Thanksgiving would beat
Then came the Christmas parties.
Three scheduled on just one day on
one occasion!
The calories were running way
ahead of the morning walks.
Christmas itself had no mercy!
More turkey, ham, cakes, cookies,
and all sorts of other goodies.
My New Year's resolution was to
get more miles and less food into each
day. And I immediately began to make
some slight progress!
Then, yesterday, came the Super
Bowls! Not the game. That was just
an excuse for another party.
Just when I thought I was out,
they pulled me back in!
I refer to the "bowls", and plates,
filled with chicken bites, meatballs,
soups, cheese cake, chocolate
covered crackers, chips, nuts, pies,
and "finger foods" set out to pull me
back in!
I left still heavier. But I am not
A little bit of that weight came in
the form of a couple of bucks that
somehow came into my possession
thanks to a pool based on the score
at the end of each quarter!
I couldn't care less who was
winning. Just that the numbers in the
score "added up."
For these few ounces I sincerely
thank the Seahawks for scoring and
preventing scoring at just the right
times during that game that came on
in between commercials!
Hope you added an ounce or two
as well and that all your NEWS is
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