OK! It's Saturday. You're probably off work!
This is a great day to celebrate! And you know
why. Right?
Washington's Birthday? Well, yes, that's one
good reason. It is, after all, the actual birthday
of the father of our country.
The Feds decided to move it so we'd all have
a three day weekend every February.
But Washington's birthday is only one of
the so-called "holidays" we're noting this
February 22nd!
This is also World Thinking Day, National
Margarita Day, Open That Bottle Day, and
International Tongue Twister Day!
If George saw the competition perhaps he
wouldn't mind having his birthday moved!
And, as they say on television, "But wait!
There's more!"
Even though the chain is long since gone
February 22nd is also Woolworth's Day.
Maybe we can combine these festive
If we think about it, we can open a bottle,
make a Margarita, and come up with a tongue
twister while toasting Woolworths!
It's probably just as well we forget the day's
other "holiday."
The last Saturday in February is also
"International Sword Swallowers Day!"
Frankly I think the whole list is a little
hard to swallow. But they're all noted on
brownielicks.com list of Strange Holidays!
Hope you'll find a good reason to celebrate
and that all your NEWS is good!

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